Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Actually Turkiye...

We don't care to buy any carpets. Double knot or not. Yes, we get it. "Our" country (India) does single stitch. No good...I get it. But we still do not want to buy a carpet or rug or whatever.

Apparently that is the big market here...carpet.

I prefer me some yummy baklava. Gobble gobble.

We are in Turkey and cannot believe the history in front of us. From 3000 B.C. forward to WWI. It may be freakin' freezin' but the sights are great. I owe you two countries on this blog: Kenya and Turkey. Apparently blogspot has been deemed incredibly block-worthy as Turkey has made my blog unreachable. I am posting using my app which still won't let me post pics. And no way am I telling you about my safari and 30th century B.C. history without the work of my fab Nikon. So you will have to wait until I get home for the conclusion of my around the world Odyssey. Pun intended.

In the meantime, we cannot believe in three days time we will be States-bound. Ahh home.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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